Blogs: 36 years ago, I woke up to a day which would change my life forever, a bomb exploded in Brighton which killed my Dad and 4 others. Today I reflect on the past 36 …
Reflections after losing my Dad 36 years ago in the Brighton Bomb
Creating harmonious relationships whilst we deal with the challenges of lockdown
Creating harmonious relationships whilst we deal with the challenges of lockdown. During these exceptional and unprecedented times, we have many different types of challenges and there is much help and …
The Importance of Describing Behaviour
I have been working in the world of conflict transformation and communication and have been understanding how I can challenge behaviour so that I have most chance of being heard. So that the ‘other’ will most likely want to change their behaviour which I am finding difficult.
Hearing the Story of the Enemy
An inner shift is required to hear the story of the enemy. For me the question is always about whether I can let go of my need to blame, and open my heart enough to hear Patrick’s story and understand his motivations. The truth is that sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. It’s a journey and it’s a choice, which means it’s not all sorted and put away in a box.