Jo Berry
Jo Berry works to resolve conflict. Sixteen years after her father was killed by an IRA bomb, Jo met the man responsible, Patrick Magee. This initial meeting led to them sharing a platform together internationally, on over three hundred occasions.Through her charity ‘Building Bridges for Peace,’ Jo demonstrates how empathy can resolve and end conflict, by delivering workshops to young people on conflict transformation, positive change making, and challenging violent extremism. Jo is an advocate for Restorative Justice, and a Restorative Justice facilitator.
Professor Brandon Hamber
Professor Brandon Hamber is the John Hume and Thomas P. O’Neill Chair in Peace at Ulster University based at the International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE). He is also a member of the Transitional Justice Institute. He trained as a Clinical Psychologist in South Africa. He has undertaken consulting and research work, and participated in various peace and reconciliation initiatives in Northern Ireland, South Africa, Liberia, Mozambique, Bosnia, Colombia, the Basque Country and Sierra Leone, among others.
Seán Hewitt
Seán Hewitt is a poet, lecturer and literary critic. His debut collection, Tongues of Fire (Cape, 2020), was shortlisted for The Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award. In 2019, he won an Eric Gregory Award, and he is also the winner of the Resurgence Prize, 2017. His memoir, All Down Darkness Wide, will be published in 2022.
Nandi Jola
Nandi is originally from South Africa has been active in the NI arts community as a writer, artist and facilitator. She has been involved with the Irish Writers Centre XBorders project; Same/Difference project and Poetry Jukebox. Nandi managed the ‘Home neither here nor there’ exhibition at Stormont in May 2013. Nandi’s show opened the International Literature Festival in Dublin in October 2020
Anthony Toner
Famed for his engaging between-songs patter and his accomplished guitar playing, Anthony Toner is one of Northern Ireland’s most popular live acts, chalking up dozens of live shows a year as a solo acoustic artist.
St Patrick’s Symposium on Reminiscence –Registration